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So much accomplished in such a short time. We promise to continue working hard to make an impact!
Thank you for your support and Stay Tuned! Many more exciting ways you are helping us to spread LOVE to others coming soon!

Building Blocks for Kids
June 25th, 2021- Through the efforts of our first 5K, we were able to raise $13,487.68 for Building Blocks for Kids. Building Blocks for kids assists children with a variety of needs, including therapy, therapy equipment, hearing aids, home modifications, communication devices, vans with wheelchair lifts, special beds and so much more. To learn more about them and the amazing impact they are having on the lives of so many, go to https://bb4k.org/

SUDC - Sudden Unexplained Death In Children
June 25th, 2021- Smiles Book Project wrote a beautiful book about JJ. From the funds raised from the book sale, we were able to make a donation to the SUDC Foundation. The SUDC Foundation’s mission is to promote awareness, advocate for research and support those affected by sudden unexplained death in childhood (SUDC). This foundation means a lot to the Day Family as they are currently seeking support services in hopes to get some answers as to what may have happened to JJ. To learn more about SUDC, please visit https://sudc.org/

St. Jude, JDRF and Joshua's Place
June 25th, 2021- Through the fundraising efforts at the 5k, we were able to donate $500 each to St. Jude in honor of Maya Collins, Joshua’s Place in honor of Sable Gibson and JDRF Foundation in honor of Gavin and Noah Mosier. Bonnie Collins and Holly Gibson generously donated some of Maya’s and Sable’s favorite things for a basket. While Jenn Mosier was a huge help in getting our first 5k running. We are grateful to be surrounded by some truly inspirational people. To learn more about these organizations and they ways they are helping others, please visit: https://www.stjude.org/ https://www.jdrf.org/ https://www.joshuasplace.cc/

Smile Books Project
June 25th, 2021- Little Rascals Photography held a one day Unicorn Photo Shoot where they took the most beautiful pictures of children with some adorable animals. With this photo shoot, they were kind enough to do a fundraiser where a portion of the proceeds went to LOVE like JJ. With this generous donation, we wanted to pay it forward to Smile Books Project. Hoping the funds will help books to be written for other children and their families, as our book was a true gift. To learn more about Smile Books Project, please visit : https://smilebooksproject.org/

Princeton City Schools - Princeton Mobile Book Center
June 25th, 2021- From the funds raised from the LOVE like JJ book written by Smile Books Project, we were able to purchase $1500 worth of new books purchased at Barnes and Noble West Chester, and donate them to Princeton City Schools and the Princeton Mobile Book Center. That was 209 new books that went to children, along with 40 LOVE like JJ books. We hope lots of kids are enjoying those books. To learn more about the Princeton Mobile Book Center, please visit https://www.princetonschools.net/PMBC

Mason City Schools and Monroe Local Schools
August 2021- with generous donations to LOVE like JJ, we were able to purchase $582 worth of schools supplies for Mason City Schools and Monroe Local Schools students.

Mason City Schools and Circle Tail
September 2021- through various fundraising efforts, including lemonade stands and a coin box fundraiser and LOVE like JJ night at 16 Lots, we were able to raise $10,117.76 for Coleby the Mason Middle School Facility Dog and Circle Tail Inc. Coleby spends his days at MMS helping children. We have already heard many stories on how Coleby in making a difference in the children’s lives. To learn more about Circle Tail, Inc. and how they are helping others please visit https://helpingdogshelppeople.org/

Saturday Hoops, Cincinnati Recreation Commission and Ohio Cleats for Kids
September 2021- At “A Day of Play for JJ” on July 24th, 2021, we were able to raise funds to make $1,000 donations to Saturday Hoops Cincinnati Recreation Commission, Ohio Cleats for Kids and Crossroads Church Mason. Also, with the amazing support of the over 1,000 people who attended, we were able to donate countless sporting good items to Saturday Hoops, Cincinnati Recreation Commission and Ohio Cleats for Kids. A special thank you to Crossroads Church Mason for partnering with us on this effort and for providing the amazing space. To learn more about each of these organizations, please visit https://www.saturdayhoops.org/ https://www.saturdayhoops.org/ https://ohio.cleatsforkids.org/ https://www.crossroads.net/mason

Mason City Schools - Mason Middle School
September 7, 2021- Mason Middle School Principal, Lauren Gentene, stated in her weekly email that the school was in need of recess equipment. LOVE like JJ felt like this was a way to help support the schools. We were able to purchase $162.73 worth of sporting goods to give to the school for the kids to use. Hoping this donation helps to keep the kids get some exercise on their break from learning.